Tuesday, October 15, 2013

An Amazing Year

This semester has been absolutely amazing! I have a wonderful group of girls the Lord has placed in my care.  We have little to no problems and the girls get along really well. I thank God for the unity and peace we have :D. I am SO very thankful for my assistants too. I couldn't ask for more loving, humble, helpful, and sweet girls to help me run the dorm :D :D :D!

For my birthday my assistants and 7 other of my friends took me out to Braums for supper and dessert Sunday night. I worked most of yesterday (my birthday), but it was a blessing as dozens of people wished and sang me happy birthday, brought me lots of chocolate, and I even got flowers (from a girl in my dorm) and a coffee mug full of mints and a balloon attached! It was a wonderful birthday.

Last Saturday I attended the Medieval Hayride which was awesome!!! Everyone had lots of fun shooting arrows, throwing hatchets, eating roasted pig, and trying to kill each other with out plastic swords and battle axes. I also battled the enemy in the Holy War, but got tangled up in burr plants and spent at least 20 mins picking each tiny burr out of my velvet dress, and to top it all off I got nailed three times with water balloons!
For supper they served us roasted pig, beans, corn, and hot dogs. The pork was soooo tender that I had a hard time knowing what was fat and what was meat :D. Most people dressed up either as nights, medieval ladies, hunchmen, 2 dressed up as friars, one in a banana suit, one in a batman suit (the Dark Knight :D), and one as Robing Hoodette (a female Robin Hood). I just want to praise the Lord for the dress I got to wear. I was out thrift store shopping when I prayed and asked God specifically for what kind of dress I wanted right down to the neckline shape and even the price....and I got it! It fit perfectly and I didn't have to alter it in anyway. The Lord is SO GOOD :D! There are more pictures at the bottom.

Classes this year are good and I'm enjoying them. I have a lot of reading to do and it's hard to keep up with it, mainly because I'm tired all the time and end up napping instead of doing homework :D. But I am looking forward to being able to use what I've learned after I graduate. So far my favorite classes this year are Personal Finance and Teaching Bible.

I am truly enjoying my senior year. I feel like the Lord's teaching me a lot this year in my own personal life. Through various circumstances I am learning to be myself, but in moderation; not to over analyze situations and people's actions; how to be tactful in speaking to people about things that need to be corrected and changed; and also how to budget and manage my money, especially now that I have such a small school bill. Please pray for me to make God my focus and not others. 

I'm not planning on coming home for Thanksgiving so I can spend it with some dear friends of mine here the Buffingtons'. They invited me over my sophmore year when I had to stay and work, and this is my last chance to spend it again with them. So I will see you all in December! Love you all :D
Love, Amber

1 comment:

Sarah Covey said...

It looks like fun! Happy birthday :).
I couldn't remember if I ever responded when you asked me who I knew in your group at frontier land, but it's Grace Carson. We grew up together :)
Have a great semester and enjoy your break :)