Saturday, December 3, 2011

The Last Days (he he he he)

Ok, well, not the last days on earth, but thelast  few days of this semester!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am SO excited to be able to come in six days and sleep in my own bed, eat my MOM'S food, see my parents, pet my cat, and of course see ya'll. The last month and a half have been absolutely crazy with school, activities, work, and more school. They have been very stressful and challenging, but it all works out for good.

I work on Bus 12 and I am still loving it! For Friend Day, we had over 800 kids at the church from the entire 24 Bus Ministry!!! There were 57 kids on my bus and it was crazy, but I love it! Getting to know the kids by talking with them and yes, yelling at them :D, it such a blessing and to know that you have a part in possibly their salvation and service for God someday is very rewarding.

For Thanksgiving I went over to Jude and Monica Buffington's house (an AWESOME family by the way!) and we had a great time cooking, pigging out, talking, and watching movies. I worked for ten hours on my first black friday ever and it was pretty crazy. I would get an isle all picked up and organized only to turn around 5-10 minutes later and it be destroyed again! I was so frustrated; thank the Lord they put me on the cash register after that!

I am typing this blog from my dorm room...yes, my dorm room. We have finally gotten wi-fi in all of the dorms!!!!! It's a true blessing because the students don't have to go anywhere to do research, check their email, and whatever else. We do have restrtictions as we are under the school's interent filter, so we don't have to worry if anyone is doing or looking at inappropriate things. This wi-fi makes things so much easier

Last night approximately 385 students, staff, and SWBC members enjoyed a flank steak, mashed potato, and veggie dinner at the Sheraton Reed Conference Center for the Christmas Banquet. All the girls dressed up in their formals, got their hair done, and painted their faces and the guys dressed in their nice suits and ties (or bowties). We all has SO much fun taking pictures, eating, fellowshipping, and heard some good preaching and singing. The last time I got this dressed up was at Julie Hennecke's wedding.....I LOVED IT! After the banquet groups usually go out walking around, bowling, or laser tagging in their formals. Me, Amanda, Eunice, and Gwen decided to go back to the dorm and had fun just relaxing and hanging out.

About a month and half ago we had our HBBC Singles Western Hayride. Everyone dressed up in cowboy attire (some dressed as Indians) and we played games, heard some preaching, and at some good food all day. I roped my first calf, shot a gun (and hit the target :D), and almost go ran over during a skit! It was another great time to relax before midterms.

Well, I've got a book I need to read for finals next week so I'm going to log off. Can't wait to see you soon!