Tuesday, August 31, 2010

More Fun at HBBC

Eunice, Brianna, Amanda, and Chelsea
I've had a lot of fun at HBBC this week with all the preaching and activities. There was a ladies game night last Friday and it was a blast. It was a good time to fellowship and get to know the ladies better.There were several games being played by the other girls that involved having to do something; this girl had to wrap toilet paper around her head :D. Some other girls were jumping up and down, singing, etc. It was a lot of fun to hear the others acting crazy.

The girl with the bottle in her mouth is the Head Resident
Advisors in our dorm.

The next Sunday night we had a Pizza Gorge where they ordered somewhere around 500 pizzas from Papa Johns for all the single and married students. While everyone was gorging, Bro. Lande involved all of us in a treasure hunt game. He read from a list, items that he need like chapstick, bobbypins, toilet paper, and even for a guy who had white socks on with black dress shoes. Whoever could get to him first with the item won a prize. There were people colliding, slipping and falling down, and even some got hurt, but it was a blast. Words of advice: never laugh on a full stomach :D.
Chrissy Roberts
  The preaching for this week has been awesome. Our special speakers were Bro. Copes, Bro. Marshall, and I forget the name of the third; all messages were good!


The most fun is the time I've spent with the friends Amand and I have made. I am having a blast and can't wait to get to know these girls better!
Eunice, Chelsea, Amanda, Ashely
Brianna and Amanda
HBBC Girls

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Here I am!

First, I want to appologize for not having updated this thing lately! I have be SO busy with settling in, getting internet figured out, and going through registration, orientation, and job searching. Thanks for putting up with the delay!

God kept dad and I safe as we traveled down on Thursday and I didn't have trouble driving until we hit OK City :D. I've gotten honked at at least twice, but for the most part, it's just like driving in Lincoln except the people here are more polite. I have never met a more polite people than I have here!

Opening days consisted of a Red Hawks Baseball game that was held in Bricktown USA When we first got there I saw this really cool Cow print PT Cruiser that said "Honk If U Luv Chicken!". It was a car for Chick-fil-A, a popular fast food restaraunt down here.
The game was boring for the most part, but it was interesting. They started throwing prizes into the crowd and a soft baseball landed between me and Amanda's mom and she let me keep it as a souvenier :D
On Saturday, we went to Frontier city and rode a whopping total of TWO rides! Dad and I rod the ferris wheel and the bumper cars. I'm glad that I didn't ride any rollercoasters because the ferris wheel actually made me kinda scream :D. Amanda and her mom stayed behind and got more settled into the dorm, so dad and I spent the day together.

I will post more tomorrow; I need to leave because the cafe is closing. Bye!